2014 Jan




January was a month full of fun and activity.  We started with Grandma and Grandpa Gill continuing their holiday visit.  Robert, his dad, and junior assistant Dominic continued work on the storage room shelf project.  (It turned out great!)  We also enjoyed time playing Canasta, reading, and spending time together.  Before they headed back to Ohio, we celebrated Corinne's and Faelynn's birthday with one of Corinne's favorites - cheese cake.  Looking back at the month we spent a lot of time celebrating those girls birthdays!  We also celebrated Corinne's birthday on her actual day - the 13th - and another joint celebration on the last day of the month.  On that day we went to see "Sid the Science Kid - Live!", had lunch at the Olive Garden, and had fun choosing and playing with presents from Toys R Us.  Corinne and Faelynn continued to have fun and learn more at gymnastics.  Both of them are getting more confident on the balance beam and other apparatus.  Faelynn learned some basketball basics and then during free time at the end of practice Corinne joined her to shoot some hoops.  In between all of this fun Corinne continued in her first grade studies.  Faelynn and Dominic always like to join in, unless Legos, trains, and other toys seem more interesting.  Finally, it was a snowless month.  The girls got so desperate they tried sledding on the grass.  Maybe February will prove more wintry ......  



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This site was last updated 03/26/14